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Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2006

Notice of convening the Annual General Meeting of shareholders 2006 of the Limited Liability Company: Amtel-Vredestein N.V., with its statutory seat in Amsterdam 36,9 ÊÁ
Voorgestelde Statuten Amtel-Vredestein N.V. 2,2 ÌÁ
Proposed Articles of Association Amtel-Vredestein N.V. 2,1 ÌÁ
Proposed Changes Articles of Association Amtel-Vredestein N.V. 4,4 ÌÁ
AV Annual Report 2005 1,1 ÌÁ
Power of attorney for the AGM 99,5 ÊÁ
Agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2006 54,7 ÊÁ
Notes to the agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2006 136,1 ÊÁ
Annual Document to Section 6a of the Dutch Securities Decree 1995  488,6 ÊÁ
Extract from the minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2006 136,6 ÊÁ
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2006 884,8 ÊÁ

Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) 2006

Notice of convening the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders of the limited liability company: Amtel-Vredestein N.V., with its statutory seat in Enschede 92,1 ÊÁ
Power of attorney for the EGM 72,7 ÊÁ
Agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 2006 46,6 ÊÁ
Notes to the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 2006 76,8 ÊÁ
Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 2006 82,9 ÊÁ

Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2007

Notice of convening the Annual General Meeting of shareholders 2007 of the Limited Liability Company: Amtel-Vredestein N.V., with its statutory seat in Enschede 213,6 ÊÁ
Power of attorney for the AGM 75,5 ÊÁ
Agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2007 54,7 ÊÁ
Notes to the agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2007 45,3 ÊÁ
Annual Report 2006 General Information 5,8 ÌÁ
Annual Report 2006 Financial Information 6,7 ÌÁ
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