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“Let's drive like humans do” social event

Amtel-Vredestein Group is launching a social event aimed at communicating the group's social position to the broad public, alerting car owners to the culture of driving, and encouraging them to show mutual respect on the roadway.

Outdoor advertising media, public transport, business periodicals, and radio stations will be involved in the campaign. Banners with messages urging drivers to critically evaluate their behavior while driving will be stretched across Moscow's major highways. Similar messages are expected to be placed on trolleys. Press ads will have favors attached to them with sayings that are commonly used by drivers to harshly address other traffic participants, but restated in a polite and considerate way, conveying the same meaning. Special broadcasts about the culture of driving will be aired on the radio. In late October the driving behavior topic and the preliminary results of the campaign are going to be discussed live on one of Moscow's popular radio stations.

© Amtel-Vredestein, 2007.