Дорамы в русской озвучке Турецкие фильмы и сериалы в русской озвучке
For Investors
For InvestorsThe holding company, Amtel-Vredestein isanactive player inthe international business world. Werealize the paramount importance oftrust inrelations with shareholders and investors. Wewill doour best toprovide our investors with all the necessary information about our company and tomaintain the highest standards inrespect ofinformation disclosure, corporate governance and transparency. Weaccord great importance tobuilding mutual relations with our investors not only for strategically increasing our companyscapitalization, but also for ensuring that its reputation ismaintained asatransparent organization and one that isattractive toinvestors. Amtel-Vredestein staff will bepleased toanswer any questions that may arise. PR&IRDepartmentTelephone: (+7495) 674-81-71 E-mail: Contact: John Rose, Head of PR/IR Department |
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