Дорамы в русской озвучке Турецкие фильмы и сериалы в русской озвучке
Measures toprotect the environment and nature-conservation policyAmtel-Vredestein plants comply tothe fullest extent possible with the requirements ofthe Russian Federation for environmental conservation, labour protection and industrial safety. Each plant contains asanitation laboratory which continuously tracks atmospheric conditions, the state ofthe air inthe workshops and the conditions ofsubsoil water. The laboratory also monitors such physical indicators asnoise, vibration, thermal radiation and illumination levels. Amtel-Vredesteinsnature-conservation plans include fire-safety precautions, aswell ashygiene and labour-safety standards. The purpose ofthese plans istoaddress the existing ecological problems and toensure compliance with the current Russian norms and European Union standards (such asthe ISO 14001Environmental Management System). Inorder toreduce factors negatively impacting the environment such asatmospheric pollution, wastewater and landfill, the Group has installed and isutilising dust extractors and filters, systems for water purification, re-usage, and recycling. The results ofanecological survey carried out bythe European Bank ofReconstruction and Development showed that atAmtel-Vredestein:
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